Being alone and learning to be ok with it

I’m aware that I preface most of these blog posts, but this time its very important. There are a multitude of people i no longer talk to and if any of you see this post, i want you to know that this isn’t some cheap shot victim-playing to air out my dirty laundry. I also want anyone who reads this to be at least kind of respectful because this is very close and it is not easy to open up about, but i want to help others who might be able to relate to it and this subject which has been much of a struggle in the past summer and fall. The root cause of all of this being having grown up deaf socialization becomes much harder and trickier when 20 seconds into the conversation a kid goes “what are those things on your ears” and out of instinctual fear you run away. You spend most of childhood reading books and spending time alone which if anything you would think should acclimate someone to being alone, but it actually kind of does the opposite. By the time highschool rolls around you’...